Days of Honor Season 1 Episode 1
We meet them in England when they finish their training. The branch consists of five people. The eldest, Czesław Konarski (Jan Englert), a professional major of the Polish Army, managed to get to England after the September defeat, along with his sons: Władek (Jan Wieczorkowski), a sportsman and lieutenant of the Polish Army, and the younger Michał (Jakub Wesołowski), a medical student. Both young men are also part of the squad. Czesław’s wife, doctor Maria (Katarzyna Gniewkowska), stayed in the country. She has not heard from her husband and sons since then, and does not even know if they are alive. The remaining members of the branch are: Janek Markiewicz (Antoni Pawlicki), a graduate of architecture, born in a craftsman’s family in Warsaw’s Praga, and Bronek Woyciechowski (Maciej Zakościelny), the only heir to the fortune of a Warsaw factory owner before the war. His fiancée, actress Wanda (Maja Ostaszewska), stayed in Warsaw. She also lost contact with her beloved in 1939, she is convinced that Bronek is dead. And without him, life made no sense to her. The girl takes poison she bought illegitimately. Fortunately, it turns out that it wasn’t the cyanide she thought it was. Wanda is taken to the hospital, where Dr. Maria tries to rescue her. Five soldiers residing in England are ready to fight. They are already looking forward to being sent to Poland. Several previous attempts to reach the homeland have ended in failure. Now, finally, the news about the planned drop of paratroopers near Chojnów is sent to the country on the BBC waves. The unit goes on its way in a small plane. Meanwhile, during a round-up in Warsaw, a group of Poles is captured to be shot in the forest. Among them are: a young resistance activist Antek (Michał Kowalczyk) and Karol Ryszkowski (Łukasz Konopka), who has recently been active in the underground, until 1937 a Polish intelligence officer, disciplinarily expelled from there.