Days of Honor Season 5 Episode 11
Major Zwonarev interrogates Rainer. The German tries to arouse the interest of Ubek with his bargaining chip, which is the Archives of the Home Army. Rainer claims that he does not remember the place exactly, pointing to Władysław Konarski as a person who knows the exact location of the documents. Meanwhile, Władek waits at the appointed place for Karol, who, however, does not appear. The stork makes fun of and humiliates Wasilewski once again. In addition, he draws Karol to his side. Stocian organizes the transfer of prisoners Rainer, Michał, Orlicki, Brodowicz and Celina. Wasilewski wants to know the place where the prisoners were transferred, but Stocian does not agree to disclose this information. Kazimierz’s secretary, Danuta, informs Karol about her boss. Kazimierz meets Ada and, during an intimate conversation, learns about the infamous secret from Ada’s past.