Millennium Season 2 Episode 4
“The first thing we do,let’s kill all the lawyers.” Henry IV, pt.2Act 4, SC 2
Watts arranges for Frank to meet with District Attorney Gordon Roberts, who is investigating Miss Penny Plott–the longtime owner of a daycare center in Probity, Arkansas–on charges of child abuse. Before Frank embarks on his journey, he goes shopping with Jordan at a department store. As children often do, Jordan grows fidgety and demands attention. Frank loses his cool and chastises his daughter for her behavior.
Police deputy Bill Sherman, who sends his son Bill Jr. to Plott’s daycare center, discovers a bite mark on his son’s back. When Bill Jr. speaks of retribution (should he reveal the source of the injury), it only adds credence to rumors surrounding Plott.
Pretending to be a parent, Frank pays a visit to the daycare center. His investigation is cut short when he is interrupted by Lara Means, who was hired to represent Plott’s interests. The pair put aside their differences when one of the children, Jason Wells, stops breathing. Despite Frank and Lara’s best efforts, the boy succumbs. Meanwhile, Catherine takes Jordan to see a dentist after her daughter spits out blood while brushing her teeth. The dentist suggests Jordan may have received a cut lip from being aggressively disciplined. Catherine dismisses the notion that Frank may be responsible, but later, Jordan reveals that Frank lost his temper at the department store.
A coroner attributes Jason’s death to an acute asthma attack. Despite a lack of evidence, District Attorney Roberts remains convinced that Plott must somehow be at fault. The investigation seemingly hits a dead end until Frank, Lara and Roberts interview Danielle Barbakow, one of the children under Plott’s supervision. Danielle describes overhearing an incident in which Plott physically abused Jason. Shortly thereafter, Plott is placed under arrest. Inside an interrogation room, an outraged Plott reminds Bill Sherman that he was under her supervision as a child–and that in thirty-six years of running the center she has never been accused of any wrongdoing. When Plott wins release on bail, a guilt-ridden Bill Sherman announces that, even though his own son has a mark on his body, he refuses to believe Plott is capable of child abuse.
Frank and Lara both conclude that Danielle is responsible for Jason’s death. They also realize they were both sent by the Millennium Group to investigate the case… possibly as some sort of test. The pair travel to the Barbakow residence, where they meet Danielle’s mother, Virginia. As Lara and Virginia talk, Frank interviews Danielle inside her bedroom. Suddenly, Danielle begins screaming–and accuses Frank of touching her. Virginia comforts her daughter, who suffers from a split lip. A short time later, Frank is arrested for assaulting a minor. Roberts also reveals that Frank is under investigation for possibly assaulting his own daughter. Frank demands that Roberts examine an alternate light imaging photograph of Danielle’s injuries, confident it will prove his innocence. Lara returns to the Barbakow residence and compares the special photograph with the wings of an angel on Danielle’s dresser. Lara realizes the patterns are identical, and later, Virginia Barbakow admits she heard her daughter inflict the injuries upon herself. Catherine and Jordan meet Frank at the police station upon his release. Catherine apologizes for the investigation into Jordan’s injuries.