Man to Man (2017)
From Kim Won Seok, the writer of Descendants of the Sun, a drama about a special bodyguard with a background in special investigations and the Hallyu star he is supposed to protect.
Released: 2017
Casts: Al Pacino Aleksandr Baranovskiy Aleksandr Yatsenko Alexandra Nikiforova Algis Arlauskas Andrey Ryklin Ayumu Nakajima Ben Shenkman Boris Khvoshnyanskiy Chae Jung-an David Siu Dmitry Frid Elena Polyakova Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia Emma Thompson Fish Liew Igor Mirkurbanov Igor Yatsko Irina Sidorova Jang Hyun-sung Jeffrey Wright Jeong Man-sik Justin Kirk Kim Min-jung Konstantin Kryukov Lam Ka-tung Lee Si-eon Lyudmila Polyakova Mary-Louise Parker Meryl Streep Michael Ning Miriam Yeung Oh Na-ra Park Hae-jin Park Sung-woong Patrick Wilson Ram Chiang Sergei Makovetsky Sergey Druzyak Tae In-ho Tatyana Lyalina Terrance Lau Tony Yang Victor Dobronravov Viktor Sukhorukov Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia Vladimir Steklov Yeon Jeong-hun
Duration: 60min
Country: n/a